Tips & Trick Photoshop

Quickly Copy Layer Masks(Ps)

You can quickly copy Layer Mask between Layers just by holding [Alt + Ctrl] and dragging the mask between the Layers in the Layers Palette [F7]. To move a Layer Mask, just drag the mask without pressing any modifier keys. When dragging to a Layer with an existing mask, you’ll get prompted to “Replace Layer Mask?”.

Redo That Filter(Ps)

Press Ctrl + F to redo the last filter you ran. Press Ctrl + Alt + F to bring up thedialog box of the last filter you ran.

Quick Hand(Ps)

Holding the spacebar will bring up the Hand Tool no matter what tool you currently have selected.

Brush Tips(Ps)

Use the [ and ] keys to adjust the size of your brushes. Hold [Shift] and press the keys to adjust the edge hardness of the brush.

Caution with ImageReady(Ps)

Be careful when switching a file from Photoshop CS to ImageReady CS… if you close ImageReady, your file isn’t in Photoshop anymore.

Clean Your Monitor(Ps)

If it’s dirty and gross, clean it. Nothing more annoying than trying to remove a spot on an image thats actually one of your boogers. Eww.

Cloned Windows(Ps)

Instead of zooming in, editing, then zooming out to see your result, duplicate your window. Go under Winow > Arrange > New Window. This clones your window, so you can work in one window zoomed in, but leave the other at 100% to immediately see the results.

Don't Use Scan Lines(Ps)

Seriously. Unless you’re creating a tv, don’t use scan lines. They’re not cool anymore, and they’re just kind of irritating.

Layer Select(Ps)

You can Right-button/Control click on your document to open a pop-up menu that lists the Layers under your cursor.